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Western New England College

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Lino and Michelle sitting on the half-loveseat.

Here is someone doing his frog impersonation. I will not say who it is.

Let's just say that Melanie had a really great time this evening.

What do you mean I only have 3 hours to backup my data?

Here is a nice picture of Mike and Jenn chillin' on the half-loveseat.

The boys (Af and Chris) hanging out in the living room.

Jenn and Teka seem to be a little bit under the weather this evening.

You had to be there. (Perhaps under the influence of some alcohol as well).

That would be a noise maker hanging out of Kelly's mouth.

Here is a picture of me squeezing what used to be my Dino-Roar. hehehe...

An ode to the Millenium, if I may.

Here is about half of the party gathering for the big meltdown.

It is now 2000, and the party is just getting started!!!

Please, one bottle of Champagne per customer.

I succeeded in my sinister plan to catch Jeff dancing on film.

Don't ask me how, but the Christmas tree remained standing the whole night.

Here we are watching a little TV, dancing to a little more music, and Amanda trying to take the bottle away from someone.

Someone seems to be interested in my behind this evening.

What a gentlemen. Af is offering Melanie some more Champagne.

A not so good picture of Kelly hanging out in the Kitchen.

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