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Western New England College

WNEC Class of '98

WNEC Engineering

Here comes Chuck and Brian after a rough morning of fishing on the lake.

Here is a picture of Jim driving Miss Daisy around the lake.

Here is a great shot of a mother duck and about a dozen of her little ones.

This was one of my better catches of the trip. This one was a 12" brook trout.

Another picture of me out on the dock with my soon to be supper.

Here is a nice picture of a typical sunset in the quiet Connecticut Lakes region.

If this moose was smart, he would have taken one look at Chuck's front end and run like hell!

You have to look very closely to see this young deer standing in the woods.

Here we are enjoying a typical evening of hacky sack while General MacWhinne prepares dinner.

Here is Thomas learning which hand goes at the bottom of the wiffle ball bat. A natural indeed!

Here are the two rookies posing for their picture together. Didn't we just get here?

Here is the crew (L to R). Bottom row: Chuck, Brian, and Brian. Top row: Jim, Dave, and Thomas.

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