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Western New England College

WNEC Class of '98

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Here are some the members of the 1999 ski trip to Austria and Switzerland. Pictured from left to right: Gabi, Jim, Chris, the north face lady, Dieter, Mrs. Anderer, Chuck, Günther, Liese, Mr. Jenik, Andrea, Andrea's boyfriend, Martin, the man with the funky hat, and Mathias.

At this point, everyone has had enough picture taking and is ready for the first run of the day!

Mr. Willard and Mr. Schneider enjoying a sunny day in the Alps.

Unfortunately, Mathias was a little under the weather today. Looking on in the background from left to right: the north face lady, Wolfgang, Mr. Steinhart, Mrs. Steinhart, and Gabi.

Here is one of two times that Mr. Jenik stopped skiing on Saturday. (The other time he stopped was for lunch).

Here is the flexible Martin showing off his stuff! Martin, hast Du einen Krampf?

I thought Thomas said that no one wears helmets in Europe? No one except for the "Top Dog".

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